Daytime Care 

What does daytime care look like with KC Newborn Care?

Daytime care looks like whatever you need! Sibling support, breastfeeding support, and light housekeeping are just a few of the things that daytime care consists of. You can allow our newborn care professionals to support you fully during your immediate postpartum period and beyond. Daytime care has a five hour shift minimum.

  • Although we are not cleaners, we are here to help you manage the load of your household during such a precious time. Laundry, cleaning pumping supplies, healthy snack prep and beyond. We are here to help you.

  • Sleep is key for parents to be able to recover after birth and make the best decisions for their families. Let us take the reins while you catch some zzz’s.

  • Does big sister need some one on one time? Let us take the baby or play another round of guess who. We help you, help your bigger little one transtion to life with a new baby!

  • We are not dietitians but we do know how to make a yummy snack. Nourishing food during your postpartum period is key to recovery. Meal prep and organization will help you feel more in control when our time is done.

  • All of our newborn care professionals are trained in healthy breastfeeding support. If breastfeeding is your goal, we want you to be successful.

  • Feel uncertain about bath time? Nap time? Play time? We are here to help. Let us help you feel confident with whatever part of newborn care is causing you anxiety. We can teach you how to swaddle like a pro!